Safe in use
- Comprehensive and logical list of mechanical and electrical interlocks
- Compartments protected against penetration by objects
- Internal arc rating up to 31.5 KA for 1 second
- Internal arc classification of AFLR
- Loss of service continuity rating of 2B
- Accessibility of compartments
- Closed door racking
Reliable in operation
- Vacuum and cast-resin encapsulation technologies
- As latest IEC 62271 – 100 and -200 standards
- Totally enclosed and insulated main busbar
- 20,000 operations on vacuum breakers
- Partition classification of PM
Efficient over the product life
- 30 year expected product life
- Cable access front and rear, cable entry bottom and top
- Up to 4000 A main busbar and breaker ratings
- Up to 31.5 KA short circuit and withstand ratings (3 seconds)
- SF6 free
- Low end of life disposable cost with all materials being re-usable or recycled
- Compact and flexible designs (three widths and two depths panels) Environmentally friendly throughout the life cycle